Passion for Seeds

The life force in biodynamic and wild seeds immerses people and sparks passion. Hold some real seeds in your hand and you will feel it. We must preserve a range of traditional seed varieties in order to reintroduce them to the agricultural and gardening circuit – multiple usages of seeds are the best and most affordable conservation method. In order to learn more about the different climate and soil synergies across the country, trials and multiplications need to be established.

After experiencing the world of virtual business and city life, the financial, housing, and industrial-crises in the last 20 years, it is time that we, our children and the future generations dig our hands into the soil, into the compost and into real, tangible farming practices to ground our souls. After decades of buying organic food in organic shops in several European cities it is shocking to discover that more than 90% of organic food comes from conventional seeds. We want the food that we eat to be healthy from the beginning of the food cycle, free from chemicals and pesticides in order to preserve the spiritual energy in our food.

The conventional seed production process requires 2-4 times more chemicals than the process of growing the crop itself, organically. Observing the food production in the USA it became obvious that the monoculture of wheat and the production of uniformed bread is not supportive of the spiritual development of mankind. Most food starts with seeds, so it is important that we generate seeds in a positive spirit and with a strong sense of spirituality. It is time to develop biodynamic seeds and, at the very least, more organic seeds to balance and reduce the conventional influence and promote vitality. ‘Sowing seeds, sowing friendship’, as we say.

To conclude, we would like to quote Michael Hedley Burton: “In former times present day thinking emerged out of a deeper, more universal consciousness that was not lodged in intellectuality, as it is today, but in more immediate and instinctive grasp of reality. Love is the greatest power in the universe, but trials are needed to awaken it.”

“Food is your medicine and your medicine are your food”, Hildegard von Bingen. Food starts with happy seeds. If we accept the integrity of the plant and come into dialogue with it – blessing our seeds, dancing and playing music in acknowledgement of them – we receive very powerful seeds. It takes time and patience but together we will slowly heal the earth and return to humanity. It is now in our hands.

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